The 5 top honeymoon destinations for adrenaline junkies

With the wedding plans leaving you frazzled, you'd be forgiven for wanting a honeymoon on the beach with nothing but each other and the sound of the rolling waves. 

But the adrenaline junkie inside won't stand for that…

Shark-diving in Cape Town

What better way to test your limits as a wedded couple than in the face of pure fear? Great white shark cage diving is one of the scariest things you can do. 

You can sign up for scuba diving tours and cage diving experiences with a terrifying but adrenaline-pumping trip to Geyser and Dyer islands, usually departing from Kleinbaai Harbour in Gansbaai (two hours from Cape Town by car). Watch out. ‘There's something in the water!'

Nudist beach action in Australia

Samurai Beach in Australia's Port Stephens is a clothing-optional spot that truly encourages you to get sand in all of your cracks. One Mile Beach is close by as is Tomaree National Park… so nature lovers and naturalists really do have it all here. 

If you're excited by the prospect of stripping off in public and find adventure in feeling completely free, then this is the honeymoon destination for you!

Bungee jumping in Queenstown 

New Zealand has to be the world's best place for bungee jumping and here's where hundreds of crazy – err, we mean free-spirited people – throw themselves off cliffs every single day. 

Strap yourself in and get ready to fall… in love with your adventurous dearly beloved as you soar over cliffs and dangle precariously over gushing waterfalls. As well as bungee jumping you can try paragliding, skydiving and zip-lining… all in beautiful Queenstown.

Lava tube caving in Iceland

Lava tube caves and craters are just some of the specialties Iceland has in store for the adventurous couple – nowhere else has such a dramatic display and array of natural phenomena. 

Strap on your walking shoes and squeeze through heart-pumpingly narrow cave entrances into hallways and caves full of lava formations and crazy colours. Stalactites drop from the ceilings, placing you in a romantic, if not a little risky wonderland.

Dune-bashing in Dubai

The desert city of Dubai glimmers like an expensive jewel in the Middle East. It might be a shopping mecca but if you're looking for thrills outside of shopping malls, dune bashing will get your heart racing in overdrive. 

Most tour operators will collect you from your hotel and take you on a bumpy ride through the deadly dunes followed by a seducing belly dance and dinner in a Bedouin tent. You can even ride a camel!

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